Outdoor Family Photoshoot in Mecca Hills

Slot Canyon Adventure Session

As an adventure photographer, I couldn’t have been more excited to capture this outdoor family photoshoot in Mecca Hills. It is probably one of my favorite and most memorable sessions to date! Doing a family photoshoot in general can exhausting with kids but try doing it while hiking 4.5 miles of slot canyon with your 1 year old strapped to you. Luckily Marlenne is a total badass and frequently backpacks 10+ miles with Frankie strapped to her so this was nothing. Marlenne and Francisco actually met on this hike three years ago so it was such a full circle moment for them doing it now with their first child together. Come see and read more about this Slot Canyon adventure session below!

outdoor family photoshoot

Hiking Slot Canyon in Mecca Hills

If you have ever been to the slot canyons in Mecca Hills before then you know that it is not an easy hike. There is a lot of different obstacles and terrain that make this hike so unique. Marlenne hiked the entire thing with her one year old baby strapped to her and wasn’t even phased. With the help of Francisco they were able to strategically hand their son Frankie off to one another as we passed through the narrow slots in the canyons. This 4.5 mile hike included us going up ladders, climbing up ropes, squeezing through narrow slot canyons, and hiking along a mountain ridge where we were able to see a network of trails and wilderness!

I say this is one of my favorite outdoor family photoshoots to date not only because of how amazing the hike was, but getting to know this family throughout the day was so special. As a super adventurous person myself, I loved seeing Marlenne and Francisco include their child in this experience. I had the best time getting to capture all of the moments throughout this hike for them to look back on years from now. It is truly something special that they met on this hike three years ago and now have a child together and are all getting to experience this beautiful place as a family!

After the hike, we all drove out into national forest land where we cooked some chili, had some snacks and post trail beers. We spent the afternoon getting to know each other and swapping adventure stories. I absolutely love sharing meals with my couples! It allows us to really get to know each other and build a friendship.

adventure family session

Preparing for your Outdoor Photoshoot: Safety Information for Slot Canyons

Slot canyons are so beautiful but can also be equally as dangerous. Understanding when is and when is not an okay time to hike slot canyon is so important to your overall safety and experience. Listed below is some important information that will help you prepare for your hike at Slot Canyon in Mecca Hills:

  • DO NOT attempt to hike a slot canyon if there is any chance of rain in the forecast. Flash floods are fast acting and deadly! This means that what may see like a small amount of rain can quickly get channeled into a slot canyon. This can then cause fast moving water, debris, and rocks which can be extremely dangerous.
  • Make sure that you either download a map of the slot canyon you’re planning to hike or have a physical paper map. There is also the option to hire a guide if it’s your first time in a slot canyon.
  • Ensure that the slot canyon you’re planning to hike isn’t technical meaning there’s no rappelling or extra gear/skills required.
  • Be prepared for significantly cooler temperatures in slot canyons. If you’re going in the winter months, be prepared for possible ice.
  • If you get claustrophobic easily, slot canyons may not be for you.
  • Just like with any hike or adventure, ALWAYS make sure that someone knows where you’re hiking.

Ready to book your Adventure Session?

If you are wanting to plan an adventure session for your family photoshoot I would love to help. As your photographer, I love helping my clients with different location ideas, outfits, and finding fun activities. When you’re ready to book your outdoor family photoshoot, you can inquire HERE!

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